Annotated Config Files and Command Line (Java Annotations "config files and command line" to "POJO" binding library)

Supported types


boolean value will be a switch (no need fora an additional value parameter after it)


numbers are converted using default system format


string values need no conversion


files are created no mattaer if they realy exist. The application decides if the existence of the file is relevant.


please read this short
guide on enum usage.
enums are looked up from the Enum definition in your code. In case of an unknown value, printed error will show all supported values from the Enum.


as an addtion to Enum support EnumSet is supported directly to again shorten your code and simplify Enum usage even more.


other types are supported by providing a @ParamFormat annotation. This is preffered approach for other types because it provides consistent error reporting.


array can be of any supported type. Multiple values will be added into array instead of overriding previous one.